The General Construction Induction Training or ‘White Card’ is a mandated training and assessment program for anyone wanting to work in the construction industry. Following a change to the standards relating to the assessment of the White Card, SafeWork NSW contacted Engage to develop the assessment materials.

The project was unique in that it involved ensuring the strict requirements outlined in the new standards were met while creating a product that students and training providers could practically apply in a classroom setting.

Through extensive consultation with various stakeholders and subject matter experts, Tony and the team developed the assessment materials within the required time frame and budget.

The assessments are now the approved assessments for use throughout NSW. ‘Work safe and prevent injury’ is a key focus in the construction industry with mandatory training.

Need a highly customised and compliant assessment resources developed?

Contact Engage Learning and Development directly on 0497 686 242 or fill out the form below and we will get in touch.